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Greater Burlington Bicycle & Pedestrian System Plan

Vision Statement:

2025 the plan the Greater Burlington bicycle and pedestrian system will be easily accessible and well connected. The system will allow residents and visitors to walk, run and bike safely to key destinations in the area.

There is a long road ahead, but steady progress is being made to make Burlington a more bike-friendly community.

There will be times that the commission will need the support of our members at city council meetings with both Burlington and West Burlington. The commission requests and encourages the recommendations of the public for the suggested bike routes/trails.

Stay tuned for developments of the plan as they unfold.

Got news?

Members: Email your ideas and suggestions for our web site to

Sarah Blodgett (

Agenda for Club Meeting

Mtg Place: Happy Joes, Burlington

7:00 pm - Call Meeting to Order

Old Business:

New Business

Treasurer's Report

Motion to Adjourn

Looking ahead to fall/winter events:

Ride Across America

Check out Mike and Ann's blog that chronicles their 50-day ride across the entire USA. For those who have done RAGBRAI: imagine dipping your back tire in the Pacific Ocean and your front tire in the Atlantic Ocean!

Jerry Jackson's Story

NEWS FLASH: Jerry and his family – and their fight against ADNIV – will be covered in an upcoming issue of PEOPLE magazine. Stay tuned for more national coverage.

Just in case you haven't had a chance to view the beautiful videos and read the well-told stories about Jerry from the University of Iowa, the Des Moines Register, and CBS This Morning... view the videos here and click on the links (above) to read the full stories.

But the best stories come from riding with Jerry and getting to know him personally. He's an inspiration to all cyclists, and he's a proud member of Bike Burlington.

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